走向世界的艺术大家——北鸿 Great artists who step onto the world stage -Beihong


Great artists who step onto the world stage -Beihong







北鸿站在中国超写实之巅,开创“超印象诗画”,成为一代宗师。被誉为“中国超写实油画的领军者”,以画马著称,被誉为“中国最著名四大画马大师”之一,“中国超写实画马第一人”,在世界画马艺术领域,与徐悲鸿并驾齐驱。同时创立了“超印象派诗画”,独树一帜。北鸿的艺术风格深受中西方多种艺术与文化流派的影响,以南京师范大学中文与美术系的唐圭璋、徐悲鸿、傅抱石等大师的深厚教育体系为滋养,以及西方文艺复兴学院派古典写实主义、巴比松画派、俄国巡回画派、马奈和 梵高的印象派绘画、波德莱尔、宠德诗歌等影响,以道家融入油画,实现了中西水墨与油画合璧、浑然天成的艺术风格,比赵无极对中国传统文化回归的更彻底!他的作品被海外国政商显要及毕加索后裔等艺术馆、博物馆收藏,显示出其国际影响力。2024参展巴黎奥运会画展,并被奥运冠军收藏,同时亮相于美国纽约时代广场。引起《人民日报》等海内外媒体争相报道。北鸿还是著名的印象派诗人。其诗集《雨太猛冲垮夏季》被作家出版社推出,成为当代第一部印象派诗集。他荣获了“中国十大设计师”、“中国十大策划家”称号,时任全国人大常委会副委员长布赫、程思远分别为其颁奖。此外,他还获得了“新时代人民艺术家”、“影响世界十大艺术大师”、“国礼艺术大师”、“威尼斯双年展特别推荐艺术大师”“奥林匹克艺术贡献奖”“2024年度艺术人物”等荣誉称号。

Chinese oil painting giant: Beihong

Bei Hong, real name HongyanZhang, national first-class artist, senior art researcher of Chinese Oriental Culture Research Association. He is the master of Chinese oil painting. Known as the "Oriental Renaissance flagbearer", he is also an international master of art, a inheritor of Taoist culture, a famous poet and a master of planning and strategy.

Baidu "Chinese oil painting masters ranking", ranked first. The ranking is: Bei Hong, Chen Danqing, Pan Yuliang, Xu Beihong, Lin Fengmian, Zhou Xiang, Chen Gangbai. Baidu "China's super realistic oil painting master", Beihong and Leng Jun equal name.

Beihong stood on the top of China's hyperrealism, created "super impression poetry and painting", and became a generation of masters. He is known as "the leader of China's hyperrealistic oil painting", famous for painting horses, known as "China's most famous four master horse painting", "China's first hyperrealistic horse painting", and Xu Beihong in the field of horse art in the world. At the same time, he created "super Impressionist poetry and painting", which is unique. Beihong's artistic style is deeply influenced by a variety of Chinese and Western art and cultural schools, and is nourished by the profound education system of Tang Guizang, Xu Beihong, Fu Baoshi and other masters of the Chinese and Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Normal University. As well as the Western Renaissance Academy classical realism, Barbizon painting school, Russian touring painting school, Manet and Van Gogh's Impressionist painting, Baudelaire, the poetry of Pette and other influences, with Taoism into oil painting, to achieve a combination of Chinese and Western ink and oil painting, a natural artistic style, more thorough than Zao Wou-chi's return to traditional Chinese culture! His works have been collected by overseas political and business dignitaries and Picasso's descendants in art galleries and museums, showing its international influence. 2024 Exhibition at the Paris Olympic Games, and by the Olympic champion collection, at the same time appeared in New York Times Square. People's Daily and other domestic and overseas media coverage. Bei Hong is also a famous Impressionist poet. His poetry collection "Rain Too Hard to Break the Summer" was published by the Writers Press and became the first contemporary collection of Impressionist poetry. He was awarded the titles of "China's Top Ten Designers" and "China's Top Ten Planners" by Buhe and Cheng Siyuan, Vice chairmen of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress at that time, respectively. In addition, he has been awarded honorary titles such as "People's Artist of the New Era", "Top Ten Masters of Art Influencing the World", "National Gift Master of Art", "Venice Biennale Special Recommended Master of Art", "Olympic Artistic Contribution Award" and "Artist of the Year 2024".


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